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《糖果区域》是属于剧情电影类型,演员主要是伊登·布洛林威廉·鲍德温奥莉维亚·卢卡尔迪欧文·坎贝尔布拉德·卡特吉娜薇·特纳比利·布莱尔珊·奎汀布鲁斯·戴维斯VirginiaRandMarkWardPaolaBeckGisler,主要剧情/介绍/评论Remy, a naive and devout young woman, is cast out from her religious cult. With no place to turn, she immerses herself into the underground world of truck stop sex workers under the tutelage of Sadie, Riley, Liv and Levi, their madam, Nora, and enigmatic local lawman, Sheriff Rex. Remy navigates between her strained belief system and the lot lizard code to find her calling in l...